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Forms and Links

Please consult these links prior to coming to TC Recycling. Depending on the size and makeup of your load, you may be required to provide special permitting or documentation.

Customer Forms

RCC & EFT Payment option forms

State Forms

The Waste Transportation Safety (Act 90) requires all waste transportation vehicles (trucks and truck tractors with a registered gross vehicle weight greater than 17,000 lbs., and trailers with a registered gross vehicle weight greater than 10,000 lbs.) transporting municipal or residual waste to waste processing or disposal facilities in Pennsylvania to have a valid Waste Transporter Authorization. The law prohibits processing and disposal facilities from accepting waste from waste transportation vehicles that do not have a valid authorization.

Form U is required for the disposal of Residual Waste.

Form 43: Request for Approval to Dispose or Process Sewage Sludge